“There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep.” — Homer

The next pillar of health that we will examine is Recovery.

Recovery can include many topics, but we are only going to look at 3:

  • Sleep

  • Breathing

  • Grounding

There are some other topics related to recovery, but for this video I wanted to focus our discussion on a few key aspects of recovery - mainly sleep and breathing.

We Need More Sleep!

Almost 20% of Americans reported in surveys that they don’t get enough sleep per day. And it’s estimated that 50-70 million Americans have chronic sleep disorders.

Control Blue Light on Your Phones

As a follow up to the section in the video about blue light, here are a few resources for reducing blue light on your cell phone:

Android steps to turn screen Red:

  1. Go to Settings>Accessibility>Visibility Enhancements

  2. Choose “Add color filter”

  3. You can choose Red (or another color) and opacity (20-60%)

Pro-tip - add a shortcut (on the screen above) so you can switch the color lens on/off if you need to see the true color of your screen.

Update - Android now calls the blue light filter feature - “Eye comfort shield” in newer Android versions. This can be found in the Settings menu and turned on “adaptively” or you can customize the “color temperature” and schedule

Exercise Without Recovery is Just More Stress

Remember that while there is a lot of emphasis placed on exercise, if your body isn’t given a chance to recover you are just adding more stresses to your body which can lead to injury or illness.

Exercise is a stressor for your body. When you allow your body to recover, exercise can be a hormetic stress. Hormesis (or hormetic stress) is best explained by the phrase “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” However, for that to be true you need to have adequate recovery . Otherwise, exercise becomes another harmful stress in your life (like poor diet, bad sleep, work stress, etc.) instead of being a source of “good stress” and making out bodies stronger.


“Just keep in mind: the more we value things outside our control, the less control we have” -Epictetus


“All disease starts in the gut.” -Hippocrates