“All disease starts in the gut.” -Hippocrates

This quote from Hippocrates reminds us that disease starts in our gut with the things we eat and drink.

There might be other factors that can contribute to our health or our susceptibility to disease. However, the root cause of most disease can often be traced back to what we put into our body through food and drink.

Continuing our discussion of health, this post and video discusses the next component of health - diet.

You can’t outsource responsibility for your diet. No one is forcing you to eat certain foods - you control what you eat & drink!

There are many approaches to diet - paleo, vegan, carnivore, low-carb, etc. We won’t be discussing specific styles of eating or comparing them. Instead, we will provide easy to implement tips that can work within any eating style.

To focus on actionable tips for improving our health through our diet, we will only look at 2 aspects of diet:

  • Things to eliminate

  • Things to add or increase

While I could give you lists of foods to change in your diet, it’s important to understand the reasons behind the changes, so that you can make good decisions about foods instead of blindly following lists.

This video explores the underlying reasons why we want to eliminate certain foods - which means the video is a bit long (about 20 min.).

Since it’s a longer video, at the end of this post I’ve provided some time stamps for content if you want to jump around in the video.

Here are some time stamps for key content in the video above:

  • 0:44 Added Sugars

  • 1:56 Hidden Sugars

  • 2:58 Processed Foods

  • 4:09 Fats

  • 6:10 PUFA

  • 8:04 Seed Oils

  • 10:17 Carbs Aren't the Enemy

  • 11:24 Dangers of Linoleic Acid

  • 14:08 Diet Impact on Migraines

  • 15:44 Foods to Add/ Increase in Your Diet

  • 18:52 Insulin Resistance


“There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep.” — Homer


Movement is Medicine