Fix-it Friday - Stop Sitting!!
Today’s Fix-it Friday message is a quick and easy way to improve your health. It doesn’t require any equipment or much time to invest. MOVE YOUR BODY!!!
While most people think about what they need to do to improve their health – exercise, walk, eat healthier, it might be more important to consider what NOT to do. Recent research shows that sitting has a major health impact. Consider this – If you get the recommended 45 min of exercise per day – you still have the potential to spend 95% of your day sitting, but you are still labeled “active” – which I think we can agree is a false label. (Ref 1)
Potential time spent sitting each day -
While the research continues to explore the damage that sitting can cause, it’s also showing that exercise isn’t able to correct the damage from sitting. One study revealed that “aerobic training did not provide a protective effect against prolonged sitting-induced lower limb vascular dysfunction.” (Ref 2)
Bottom line – get up and move!
Take back that 95% of your day and move your body – walk, jog, do yoga…it doesn’t matter. Simply move and break up sedentary patterns to improve your health.
Let me know your thoughts or if you have any questions.
#sleepeatmovebetter #moveyobody
1 - Too Little Exercise and Too Much Sitting: Inactivity Physiology and the Need for New Recommendations on Sedentary Behavior
2 - Aerobic Training Status Does Not Attenuate Prolonged Sitting-Induced Lower Limb Vascular Dysfunction.