I'm Training My Body To WHAT!?!?!

First, let me explain the absence of new blog posts - I've relocated to the Gulf Coast of Florida (about 2 months ago, actually in my townhouse for just over a month) and now that the "fun" from Irma has died down...I'm able to get back to more regular blogging.

Let's start this post with a question...

What are you doing to train your body?

Most people are thinking...Well, I go to the gym for an hour every day (or every other day) and that's training my body for better performance and possibly fat loss. Let's go with idea that you go to the gym for an hour each day (I'll discuss overtraining and the importance of rest and recovery in a later blog post). During that hour in the gym, whether taking a class, working with a trainer, or simply doing your own workout...most likely you are positively benefiting your health.

OK...hold that thought! Let's take a brief intermission for a discussion of exercise science and movement theory...don't worry it won't be too geeky, but it's important that you understand this important concept.

The concept is called Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand (or SAID). The SAID concept basically states that one's body will adapt to whatever demand is placed (imposed) upon it. As an illustration, if you want to become a better swimmer, you would practice swimming techniques. Your body eventually adapts and gets better (more efficient) at those movements.

OK, now back to the story...the one hour a day, you are imposing sufficient demand that causes your body to adapt and become stronger/better. Now think about this...what are you doing the rest of the day? If you're like the average person, you spend your day working while seated at a desk for 8 hours (minus breaks and lunch and meetings - where you're likely also seated).  As well as seated during your commute to/from work - driving, flying, metro, etc. And then possibly sitting and watching some TV in the evening.

Based on the difference in the time spent on each activity - exercise vs. sitting - I'd argue that you're training your body to be a person that sits, rather than training it to be a functional athletic human!!

Hopefully, you can now see how important the SAID principle is and to ensure that you're imposing the correct demand to achieve your optimal outcome.

How can we use the SAID principle to our advantage?

Well, let's start by not sitting for a majority of the day...Get a standing workstation or an adjustable desk. However, it's important to realize that standing isn't the opposite of sitting - moving is the opposite of sitting. Sitting and standing are both stationary positions and will cause your body to adapt the imposed demand each position places on it.

To truly harness the power of SAID, it's critical to take "movement breaks" to stretch and move. Maybe take a walk around the office or the building. Take your conference calls on your mobile phone and walk while the meeting is going on. Use your imagination, have fun with movement!

Daily movement, along with eating primally can quickly and drastically have a positive impact on your health.

Any questions?? - post a comment or shoot me a message and let's work together to reclaim your health!


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