Freedom Friday!

We're taking a break from Fascia Friday this week

Since we just celebrated Independence Day, let’s examine our own independence of choice…

What Can You Control?

When it comes to the things we can control, the only thing under our total control is our mind.

When it comes to your health, maintain that control of your mind and your choices - there is plenty of competition for the attention of thoughts/choices and, more importantly, your dollar!!

Companies have stockholders and profits to consider, so don't act surprised that your health isn't the concern of corporations. Lobbyists help push industry agendas (sugar industry - “fat is bad”, grain farmers - “eat whole wheat”, etc.)

Ultimately each person is in charge of their own health...The trainer can't do the exercises for you, the doctor can't force you to take medicines, the therapist can't change your outlook.

Maintain control of your choices and you can reduce the influence of corporate agendas, industry lobbyists, and other's that benefit from your choice (and your money). Research studies are often funded by corporations and the results from that research help to prove that those products are “safe” or even “good for you” or “heart healthy.”

Recent health topics that are attempting to influence your choices:

  • Impossible Burger (or other similar products) - there's nothing wrong with eating a plant based diet, but if you step back and consider all of the processing required for the latest "fake meat" product (versus whole foods), then it's easier to see that whole unprocessed foods are better for your health (plant, meat, or whatever).

  • Keto diet products - a drink or pill or food isn't going to make you become “keto” or even start you into ketosis - it's a longer, more involved process. Keto diets have been shown to be effective in dealing with certain health conditions - but keto isn't for everyone.

  • "Calories in vs. Calories Out" - the belief that if you burn more calories than you take in (eat), then you will lose weight. Humans aren't machines and losing weight requires a look at what kinds of food you are eating. Balancing your eating against your activity is a faulty mindset that food and beverages companies are counting on getting your buy in - literally!

I’m sure that there are (or soon will be) others, but remember be vigilant with your choices and stay informed.

Bottom line - the only thing that you can control is your mind (or perceptions). And the only one responsible for your health is YOU!


Fascia Friday - Putting It All Together


Fascia Friday - Part 3 - Lateral Line