CLIENT CASE STUDY: High School Runner with Knee Pain
In sports medicine, where pain frequently sidelines young athletes, there's an opportunity to significantly influence their lives and ensure they stay "in the game." This case study emphasizes the importance of dedicating time to pinpoint root causes and administer treatments that offer both immediate relief and enduring benefits.
The Problem
Our subject, a talented young runner, faced a daunting challenge during her senior year cross country season. A persistent knee issue threatened to ruin her final cross-country season. Despite visits to a chiropractor, orthopedic specialist, and a physical therapist, her condition remained stubbornly unchanged. The pain persisted, casting a shadow over her passion for running.
An Alternate Approach
A friend’s recommendation led the athlete’s mom to bring her to Joe—a practitioner whose determination matched his expertise. Joe initially used manual therapy techniques that provided some initial pain relief. However, the pain still reappeared and persisted after the runner got a few miles into her training runs. Intent on helping his client, Joe took time to do a deeper analysis and discerned what others had missed: The root cause of her pain was her running form. Armed with this insight, Joe embarked on a mission to transform her running mechanics.
Client-centric Persistence
The initial two treatment sessions had been centered on manual therapy and addressing the immediate knee pain. While the knee pain was relieved in the treatment room, it resurfaced after a few miles into the athlete’s training runs. Determined to help this athlete, Joe “noodled” on her problem in between sessions and then decided to turn his attention towards the runner’s gait mechanics. Using video analysis, he was able to identify an issue in the runner’s stride. Working with the athlete, he provided drills and cueing to help her modify her running mechanics in an attempt to address the root cause of her knee pain.
Joe’s approach was meticulous. He worked with this runner, focusing on specific mechanics. Gradually, her running gait evolved, and the pain receded. Soon, she was running with newfound joy, unencumbered by the pain that had plagued her. And the results spoke volumes: a personal record (PR) in the 3200-meter race—a testament to Joe’s unwavering commitment.
Runner’s Mother Tells the Story
“I took my daughter to see Joe when she was having an ongoing knee problem that was preventing her from running her senior year cross country season without severe pain.
Before we found Joe, we went to the chiropractor, orthopedic and physical therapist — her knee was not improving. A friend referred Joe and after a couple sessions with minimal change, he was determined to diagnose the issue. He figured out it was her running form that was causing her pain! He worked with her on specific mechanics to alter her gate and before long, she was running pain free!!
We can’t thank Joe enough for all his ‘noodling’ and determination to help her get back to doing her favorite thing in the world. She runs with joy again and she just PR’d her 3200 with a 12:29! Joe is the best, we highly recommend him and we are forever grateful for his service!” (from Google Review left for Uncommon Health Bodywork)
If you are frustrated with chronic pain or restricted mobility - book a session today so you can get back “in the game” and get on with your life.